March 23 The Underground Railroad Special Stamp Dedication

The Detroit PCC Postal Customer Council is proud to host:
A special Stamp Dedication ceremony commemorating the Underground Railroad (UGRR) 
The Detroit PCC is honored to partner with The Detroit River Project in celebrating our heroes at St. Matthew's & St. Joseph's Episcopal Church.  8850 Woodward Ave.  The women and men of the "network to freedom" known as the Underground Railroad, worked tirelessly through fear of detection and arrest to give the dream of freedom to those who sought that what was denied.Detroiter, William Lambert, known as the Detroit Underground Railroad Stationmaster is in this UGRR Stamp Collection getting long overdue recognition as to who he truly was; an American Hero.   Descendants of William Lambert will be speaking and sharing his and their stories during the event. 

Special Guest Remarks:  Christina Streety-Napier, Author Code Name Midnight, William Lambert & The Underground Railroad, Husband, Joseph Napier, Film & Podcaster.  Barry Jurgenson, National Park Service, Network to Freedom. The Reverend Anthony Estes, SMSJ Episcopal Church.   US Postal Service, Richard Moreton, Michigan One-District Manager, Ronald Morris, Postmaster, City of Detroit & Detroit PCC Postal Co-Chair, Jake Busacker, Detroit PCC Industry Co-Chair.
Saturday, March 23, 2024  1:00 PM
UGRR 10pic
Official Stamp Launch -  Maryland, March 9, 2024 
 Pictured on the stamp sheet:  Catharine Coffin, Frederick Douglass,  Thomas Garrett, Laura Haviland,
Lewis Hayden, Harriet Jacobs, William Lambert, Jermain Loguen, William Still and Harriet Tubman.  
You can puchase stamps and other Underground Railroad postal products online

Event Information

Event Date 03-23-2024 1:00 pm
Individual Price More details to come.
Location St. Matthew's & St. Joseph's Episcopal Church

Location Map

Latest News

2024 NPF National Postal Forum Detroit PCC awarded

This year at the 2024 NPF National Postal Forum the Detroit PCC was awarded to special presentations   One for 2024 Membership of the year Silver – for initiating a membership drive program called POPO UP shops where we would pop up at post offices to promote the PCC to industry customers while at the post office.  The 2nd was the PCC Postal Member of the year – LaDonna Smith was awarded this for her passion for the Detroit PCC and coming up with the idea for the Pop Up shops.  As the PCC Administrator she also has positions with Consumer Affairs and our Customer Marketing Team. This award is well deserved.

 LaDonna Smith Postal Mem Year Silver Detroit                              PCC Membership of the Year Silver Detroit

L to R: Marc McCrery, Joshua Colin, LaDonna Smith, Steve Monteith                                             L to R: Marc McCrery, Joshua Colin, Jake Busacker, LaDonna Smith, 
   VP Cust Experience, Chief RDO VP, PCC Admin, CMO Exec. VP                                                           Steve Monteith, Daria Czarnik, and Ron Morris 

2024 June 7 - Detroit PCC and Jimmy Johns Field Picnic - Ballgame and Fireworks

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2024 April 23 - USPS Incentives Promotions Political & Non-Profit

On April 23, 2024 our industry experts, Kevin Yost and Patrick Bresser dazzled us with their knowledge and shared their expertise on getting the most out of the USPS Promotions Programs and mail preparations for political and non-profit mailings.   It was wonderful to see the diverse group of attendees from individual mailers to mail providers.  I believe we all have a better understanding of discounts and how to best utilize them this year and into 2025.  We are including the persentations and the recording of the event.   Thank you for participating and look forward to seeing you at upcoming events. 

pdf.pngApril_23_Promo_Incentive_Kevin_Yost.pdf2.39 MB

 office.pngApril_23_Political_Mail_Bresser.pptx226.83 KB

April 23 2024 Recording Detroit PCC Lunch&Learn  Passcode: ^F5JQ%U$



2024 March 23 - The Underground Railroad Stamp Dedication

On March 23, 2024, The Detroit PCC partnered with The Detroit River Project (DRP) for a Special Stamp Dedication ceremony commemorating the Underground Railroad (UGRR) at St. Matthew's & St. Joseph's Episcopal Church in Detroit, Michigan. We honored Detroiter William Lambert, known as the Detroit Underground Railroad Stationmaster, and one of ten Freedom Fighters featured in the UGRR Stamp Collection. Thank you to all the speakers and everyone who made this event a success. More pics coming soon at
Pics: L to R: Abolitionist and civil rights activist William Lambert, UGRR Stamp Dedication, flyer for the event, Toussaint Lambert, son of William Lambert - one of the first African American letter carriers. #undergroundrailroadstamps

wm lambert env 2UGRR FLYER COPY 3Toussaint Louverture Lambert Mail Carrier

Below: L to R: Kim Simmons, DRP, Ron Morris, PCC Co-Chair, LaDonna Smith, PCC Admin, Jake Busacker, PCC Co-Chair, Patricia Bridgeforth, CRM USPS, Joseph Napier, Narrator UGRR history, Carol Zarek, PCC Sec., Gary Hinton, PCC Support. - Rt.  Event attendees at St. Matthew's and St. Joseph's Church, founded by William Lambert.   After the wonderful dedication, we gathered in Jamison Hall for refresehments and opportunty to purchase sheets of the Underground Railroad stamps and acquire the special days stamp cancellation. 

UGRR PCC 03232024UGRR PCC 03232024

Below: These commerative stamp sets and more can be purchased online. Typically, a commerative stamp has a limited production run and is sold for only one year. 
These are Forever Stamps so the price you pay now is valid forever. If you wish to purchase commerative stamp sets, you can visit our website at  > Shop  Stamps

ugrr online


2023 Holiday Gala Celebrations

The Detroit (PCC) Postal Customer Council, Michigan One District, celebrated our annual Holiday Gala December 8 2023 at Sindbads Marina.  Our guests enjoyed spactular food and beverages and the spirit of the hoiday was prompted by our on-site Santa who sang his way into our hearts and got the whole room in the holiday spirit.  Having live sax music during our meal was so warming and cozy and alllowed us time to mingle. We all had a wonderful time with raffle and holiday games.  

L to R:  Rick Moreton Michigan One District Mgr and his staff:          Detroit PCC Co-Chairs       :               PCC Sing-a-Long with Santa 

       Gala Rick DM   gala chairs gala singing