On April 23, 2024, our industry experts, Kevin Yost and Patrick Bresser dazzled us with their knowledge and shared their expertise on getting the most out of the USPS Promotions Programs and mail preparations for political and non-profit mailings. It was wonderful to see the diverse group of attendees from individual mailers to mail providers. I believe we all have a better understanding of discounts and how to best utilize them this year and into 2025. We have included the presentations and the recording of the event. Thank you for participating and we look forward to seeing you at upcoming events. www.detroitpcc.com
April_23_Promo_Incentive_Kevin_Yost.pdf2.39 MB
April_23_Political_Mail_Bresser.pptx226.83 KB
April 23 2024 Recording Detroit PCC Lunch Learn Passcode: ^F5JQ%U$